Founded in 1978 and officially registered in the US in 1993, STEMI (Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International) is a Christian Evangelical organization based on the Reformed theology of the Bible, and our purpose is to evangelize the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people worldwide.
STEMI performs its mission globally through various endeavors which include but are not limited to: large-scale evangelistic citywide gospel rallies; professional laymen theological training (institute, workshop and seminars); literature ministry through audio/visual media (Internet, STEMI TV, Reformed 21, DVD, VCD, CD, cassettes); oratorio and musical society; local church plant establishments and promotions in various areas around the world.
This kind of large citywide evangelistic ministry has been held for the past 66 years by Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong who is recognized as one of the leading evangelists in the world for his long and faithful career of honoring God’s Word, Christ’s Gospel and the Reformed theological heritage. It is the hope of this ministry that STEMI USA will provide strong organizational support in the United States for this historically established ministry. Rev. Tong and STEMI’s evangelistic teams have been holding citywide gospel rallies in major cities in the United States, Canada, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand which have been attended by millions of people throughout the years.
STEMI has been organizing lectures, seminars and workshop with the establishment of the Reformed Institute of Christianity and 21st Century in the United States, Asia, and Europe since 1996. Rev. Tong has been a professor of theology for professional seminary students for more than 25 years and has been giving seminars and lectures to Christian scholars, seminary students, and laymen in major cities throughout the world. Those seminars were attended by thousands throughout the world.
STEMI has been involved in planning, promoting, and organizing the Oratorio Society in major cities globally, including the United States. The purpose of the Oratorio Society is to encourage Christian singers, choirs, and musicians to rehearse and perform works of sacred music from great composers to the highest standard. There are now Oratorio Societies in Jakarta, Surabaya, Singapore, Taipei, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Washington D.C. which have been promoted by and associated with Rev. Tong’s ministry. Furthermore, in every city where STEMI has held gospel rallies, it also established the joint citywide choir for each city’s rally.
STEMI will help promote the establishment of local churches in many parts of the world. STEMI has already established local churches in the Reformed Evangelical tradition throughout Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan, Europe, Australia, and in several cities in mainland China. There will also be a need to train local evangelistic and pastors. The constant exploration for these needs is a major undertaking of this ministry. Rev. Tong has designed and built a complex of the Reformed Evangelical Center, in Jakarta, Indonesia (the country with the largest Muslim population) which includes a 4,700 seat Messiah Cathedral worship sanctuary, 1,700 seat John Calvin auditorium, Agape Chapel, Hosanna Chapel, International Reformed Evangelical Seminary, educational institutions, Galeria Sophilia art museum, and the Aula Simfonia Jakarta concert hall for classical music. He is in the midst of designing and planning new branches of Reformed Evangelical Church of Indonesia.
STEMI is dedicated in the pursuit of higher education and knowledge in order to guide the world of academia according to the Word of God as revealed through the Bible. STEMI established the Calvin Institute of Technology in Jakarta, Indonesia which will develop into the Calvin University in the next few years. We have appointed established professors/lecturers who mostly hold Ph.D. degrees in their respective fields. Among them are graduates of the most prestigious universities in the US and Europe including UC Berkeley, University of Connecticut, University of Washington. In addition, there is also the Calvin Christian School for primary and secondary education to ensure access for children even since their earliest development stages.
Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong’s more than 75 books have been published in Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan and have been read by many people throughout the world. There have been over 1,500 sermons of Rev. Tong recorded on cassettes, CD, DVD, MP3, VCD, and so on which have been listened to by millions worldwide. STEMI has been managing his literature and audio/video media distribution in the United States, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Taiwan.
As a result of Rev. Tong’s vision, passion and deep commitment for the gospel evangelization in the fourth largest populated country in the world, STEMI is planning to assist the planting and building of 25 new churches in Indonesia in the next three years. Those new churches will act as a regional centers in which further evangelization and missions can be carried out for each area in accordance with the respective local governments and regulations.
This concludes the Mission Statement for STEMI (Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International). It is only by the grace of our God and Lord Jesus Christ that our ministry has been blessed beyond measure in our endeavors to reach the lost souls. If you have been moved to support our ministry in spirit by prayers or even financially, we thank you. Please continue to support and participate in our cause to evangelize the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people worldwide.
Only for His glory alone, Soli Deo Gloria.